COURSE OUTLINE Market Structures (a) Theory of a Monopoly Firm Concept of imperfect competition, short-run and long-run price and output decisions of a monopoly firm- concept of a supply curve under monopoly; comparison of perfect competition and monopoly, social cost of monopoly, price discrimination; remedies for monopoly: Antitrust laws, natural monopoly. (b) Imperfect Competition Monopolistic Competition: Assumptions, SR and LR price and output determinations under monopolistic competition, economic efficiency and resource allocation; Oligopoly: Assumptions, oligopoly models. game theory, contestable markets, role of government 2. Consumer and Producer Theory (a) Consumer and Producer Theory in Action Externalities, marginal cost pricing, internalising externalities, public goods; imperfect information: adverse selection, moral hazard, social choice, government inefficiency. (b) Markets and Market Failure Market adjustment to changes in demand, efficiency of perfect competition; sources of market failure: imperfect markets, public goods, externalities, imperfect information; evaluating the market mechanism. 3. Income Distribution and Factor Pricing Input Markets: Demand for inputs; labour markets, land markets, profit maximisation condition in input markets, input demand curves, distribution of income. 4. International Trade Absolute advantage, comparative advantage, terms of trade, sources of comparative advantage, trade barriers, free trade/protectionism.